WSC Instructors
Our instructors are selected for their outdoor knowledge, practical experience and leadership qualities. Only the best can call themselves WSC Survival School Instructors!

Chris Reid
Chris has been with WSC since 2011, first as a student, and has since made his way up the ranks. He has a degree in Geography and is a teacher with the Niagara DSB where he currently runs the only secondary school outdoor ed program in the Niagara Peninsula.

Wolf Starchild
Wolf is well known for his Barefoot Hiking the Bruce Trail, end to end, as well as archery and survival instruction. He does numerous speaking appearances.

Connie Hammer
Connie completed her Outdoor Education Certificate at WSC and the Waterloo Region District School Board. She is also a certified CPR instructor, and has completed her Instructor's qualifications in Standard First Aid and CPR-c/AED.

Keenan Coughlin
Keenan specializes in minimalist camping and wilderness survival. He is a Hike Ontario hike leader, Wilderness First Aid certified and is a graduate of Humber's Outdoor Education program.

Bryan MacKay
Bryan has completed the Outdoor Education Certificate Program at Humber College, and is an enthusiastic outdoorsman!

Boris Milinkovich
Boris is a graduate of Humber College's Outdoor Education Certificate Program, with experience in the Canadian Armed Forces. He specializes in Survival - Disaster Preparedness Training.

Ivo Tuma
Ivo is a graduate of Conestoga College's WSC Survival School outdoor programs.

Zac Siegel
Zac, as a contestant, survived YTV's 'Survive This' ! He is a camp counselor and working on his pilot's licence.

Terry Terron
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